There will always be high-paying jobs for anyone who can

There will always be high-paying jobs for anyone who can

Code/build well
Think well
Write well
Speak well
Sell well

To Code/build well - Read good code. Leetcode. Build side projects. contribute to open source. If you are a dev learn to build business skills. Propose your own ideas, take feedback, learn and iterate.

To think well - Study people who think well. The best minds in the world have left their ideas in their books, their blogs, their podcasts

To write well - Read people who write well. Practice writing. Blog, distill ideas for others.

To speak well - Put yourself out there. Grab every opportunity to speak.

To Sell well - Everyone is always selling. We sell our ideas, our products, our service. We sell to our boss, to our customers, our kids, our friends. Learn persuasion. Learn the phycology of selling.

It's hard to become top 5% in one of these skills alone.

But I have always found it's much easier to become top 5% in the combination of these skills.

Combine skills you enjoy doing. Then go become world class at them.

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