3 career growth facts you better get right.
3 career growth facts you better get right.
1. What team you work for matters. A lot. Raising tides lifts a lot of boats.
Resources flow towards impact. Cash cow products and the growing team will continue to grow. They tend to be safer in a recession. As Naval says, What you work on > who you work with > how hard you work.
Hard work is a must. But first, make sure you are not working hard at the wrong place with the wrong people.
2. Hard skills are not enough. As you grow, Influence becomes a key skill. It’s learnable.
But it needs practice. A lot of practice. The more senior your level, the more soft skills matter.
3. Start playing a long-term game. You will go farther. Anything meaningful is a result of compounding. Skills that matter needs compounding. Relationships that matter needs compounding.
1% better every day you are 37 times better by the end of the year.
1% worse every day, and you are close to zero. Work with people, with who you can work long-term.